Delamain Reserve de la Famille Grande Champagne Cognac

Delamain Reserve de la Famille Grande Champagne Cognac

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Once an eau-de-vie has been selected it goes into the cellars of Cellar Master Dominique Touteau, where it is closely monitored throughout its long stay. The aged French oak casks preserve the fruity flavor and subtleties and are moved between different cellars; sometimes the cask needs a damp environment, other times a breezy one, a cool or warmer one. The liquid inside breathes and follows the rhythm of the seasons.

When the time has come to blend the meticulously-developed cognac, the Cellar Master already knows the tiniest details and temperaments of each eau-de-vie. The blending of the cognac is left until last, only leaving the two years of marrying the final liquid in order to let all the aromas and flavors gel and make Delamain the fantastically elegant spirit that it is.

The exceptional and ultra-premium Delamain Cognac Reserve de la Famille was originally meant for the Delamain family and their guests. It's special in that it's a single-estate, single-barrel Cognac. Instead of being blended, it's a single Grande Champagne eau-de-vie that has been aged for arguably the maximum amount of time that still benefits the liquid inside, around 60 years. It's undiluted, as the alcohol content has dropped naturally through the years to 43% ABV.

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